0845 548 0007
1st floor, 20 Stuart Street, Luton, LU1 2SL
© 2021 Stuart Sadler - all rights reserved
My interests - find out more here!
Everything Flyable
I took my first solo on my 17th birthday -
before I could drive a car! All things aviation
are a lifelong passion!
I am a Fellow of the Zoological Society and
actively support the work of ZSL - you’ll find
my mark on numerous plaques around London
Zoo. There is vital conservation work being
done across the UK which is helping to
guarantee the survival of many species.
Central & Eastern Europe
In the old days I’d have ‘a file’ thicker than
war & peace thanks to my travels and living
abroad. I love to visit new places and find
out more about modern history in these
places which as a child I was taught in school
to be scared of!
Modern history &
abandoned places
There’s often history right under our noses,
but because it’s ‘modern’ it’s not well known
or ‘touristy’ - like here at Paddock bunker.
We’re making history every day!