0845 548 0007
1st floor, 20 Stuart Street, Luton, LU1 2SL
© 2021 Stuart Sadler - all rights reserved
My varied work - find out more here!
As the leading GSCOP expert and trainer in
the UK, I have helped more grocery suppliers
across Europe than anyone.
No supply to the leading supermarkets should
underestimate how important it is for them
to know the GSCOP regularions.
Retail Expert
Helping suppliers bring their product to
market across the complete retail scene, I
work on getting your product to shelf and
have a variety of associates who are highly
skilled in different areas you need for success
- Food and Non Food, we cover it all.
Central and Eastern Europe
I have tremendous experience of the
countries and cultures in CE and EE - I have
lived in Poland, Czech and Bulgaria. I work
with companies who wish to create or
improve business between the two areas and
the UK.
Not as easy as it would seem, and something
many struggle with! I write anything from
short, snappy ads up to detailed texts for
corporate presentations, documentation or
Eco, Sustainability & BCorps
Passionate about all things eco, I consult across
a broad spectrum of firms who want to be the
best they can for the world. My own businesses
are on track to become BCorps.
High St & BIDs
I work with a range of business, councils, town
centre managements, BIDs - I help understand the
BID role, and more importantly, the alternatives
available. The High St is in flux, it’s never been
more important to get things right; to get the
right answers for the locality. I have served on a
BID board as a director.
Project & Programme
Projects, Processes, Workflows, Operating
Models. I cover them all with my consulting
work. I have a range of associates available to
further widen the spectrum of available skills.
I offer consulting at all levels, from one man
bands to corporate giants. Armed with a vast
range of soft skills, and as a certified life coach, I
can make a difference to both the person and the
business. You can’t change one without the other!
I have associates available to further extend the
Design Sprint Master
Originating from Google Ventures, design
sprints are a way of solving big problems and
testing new ideas in under a week, instead of
a long term project lasting months. I am
qualified as a Design Sprint Master and
Master Facilitator.